Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Breakfast Pastries - Day 7

Another day another whirlwind of activity. Today started off with boiling and baking the bagels we shaped yesterday. Once that was done it was on to laminating croissant dough for Thursday. In between laminating folds we scaled and shaped up our Swiss brioche and threw those in the ovens. Then we moved on to rolling out the danish dough from yesterday on the sheeter and cutting squares to shape our danish. After they were shaped they moved to the proof box while we worked on scaling ingredients for more danish and croissant dough. This dough will be laminated tomorrow I believe and then will be used on Monday and Tuesday for our practical exam which will close the books on breakfast pastries. Once that was all scaled we took out our puff pastry dough to make Palmiers. All I can say about these things is GEEEEEZ. Talk about awesome! Everyone should try these at home. Roll out a rectangle of puff pastry (made and laminated yourself of course and not out of the box!!), lay it on a bed of sugar, sprinkle sugar all over it, do a book fold (fold top half down halfway and then fold the bottom half up to meet the the middle of a book...hence bookfold), then fold the top onto the bottom to make a rolled up log shap and then cut slices about an inch or less. Take these slices and press them down onto some sugar and then put on a sheet pan for baking. All that sugar caramelizes and you have all those layers of puff pastry dough. The cookie is crisp and sweet and oh so good!

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