Monday, May 24, 2010

Artisan Breads - Day Two & Three

Didn't get to post anything after class on Thursday and was too lazy to get to it over the weekend so I'm catching up today. Sad I know. Thursday was day 2 for breads and what a busy day it was. The whole day was spent mixing, shaping, proofing and baking. After the smoke cleared (not literally), we had baguettes, ciabatta, rustique, soft rolls and bagels. Talk about a carb overload. That on top of the ciabatta and challah I brought home the day before. It was good though. The ate half of the ciabatta with butter and then sliced some up to make bruschetta. That was delish! I think the rustique we devoured with some butter as well. One loaf of the challah we ate as is and the second we sliced up and made a baked french toast bread pudding. Also...delish.

Today was day 3 for Artisan Breads. We made whole wheat bread which we did some in loafs and some as rolls. Pretty tasty. That's the only thing we baked off. We made and shaped a bunder rye but ran out of time to bake so we wrapped them up and put them in the fridge for tomorrow. The rest of the time today was spent making other starters that we will use tomorrow. We did two different baguette starters (one a poolish and one a pate fermente), a multigrain starter, a whole wheat starter that we will be feeding the next couple of days and will make a sour dough with it on Thursday. Needless to say a ton of bread is on the way to being consumed. Good grief I better start running again soon.

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