Thursday, May 27, 2010

Artisan Bread - Day 5 & 6

Another week is over. I'm getting close to throwing in the towel with all this bread. I've finally quit bringing so much home and have instead started giving it to one of my classmates who takes food to needy families and the homeless. I wish I had started doing that sooner. Maybe then I wouldn't feel so fat. Can't complain too much though because I haven't really gained any weight since starting the school. I think I was up 2 pounds this week (all from the bread I'm sure) but hey it's only 2 and I can burn that right back off (much to the chagrin of my wife lol). Guys have it so easy haha.
So the last couple of days have been pretty easy and relaxing. We made pizzas both yesterday and today so guess what I had for lunch?? Along with the pizzas we made focaccia, rustique, sour dough and pain chocolate. So not as much to have to bring home and not a constant running around the kitchen. Just a nice relaxed pace. We also had our bread quiz today and our midway review for breads. I got another 100 on the quiz and another great review. So, still looking good.

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