Friday, June 25, 2010

Classical Cakes & Tarts - Day 9 & 10

Day nine of CC&T was all about prepping for our practical on day 10. Most of us pretty much knocked out all of our components for the Opera Cake and the Black Forest Entremet and even put together the Black Forest in order to freeze it overnight. All I had to do for the practical was glaze the Black Forest and then put together the Opera and glaze it and then concentrate on decorating them. We did have two other entremets that we had finished (or was supposed to finish) on Wednesday and so at the end of the day we had to present all four finished products. Chef Issac threw us a little bit of a curve ball during the practical and said we all had to have a pulled sugar flower on our Black Forest. We haven't gotten to sugar yet so that was a bit of a struggle and took up alot of the time I had allotted myself for finishing all the cakes. In the end I had a decent pulled sugar flower for my first attempt and had to salvage some decorating for the Opera, Opal Passion, and Garnet Carmel as many things I had tried to do ended up breaking. I definitely need to spend some time at home working on decor.


  1. They all look so pretty and yummy!

  2. Can't wait for you to mail me a cake! My anniversary is coming up!
