Saturday, June 12, 2010

Classical Cakes & Tarts - Day 2

Thursday was another busy day as we finished 4 desserts and did a little prep for Monday. So what were the 4 desserts that I now have at home and have been scarfing down like crazy? Let's see... California Fruit Tart, Apple Custard Tart, New York Cheesecake, and Grandma's Chocolate Cake. I was running a little behind at the end of the day and only got to ice my chocolate cake which was disappointing because Chef finished his very nicely and I wanted to bring mine home somewhat like his but didn't get the chance. He made some chocolate cigarettes and curls to finish his cake off. After portion lining the cake, he piped a bit of icing near the middle end of each slice and placed a chocolate cigarette on the piped icing and had it pointing toward the center of the cake. The curls were placed only halfway up the sides of the cake. Very nice. Once I get cigarettes down I'll have to do that. Instead I practiced some chocolate piping at home on Friday and placed a chocolate swan on the slice for the picture below. Wish the other wing hadn't broken when I tried to attach it. Oh well. Practice practice practice.

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