Thursday, June 3, 2010

Artisan Breads - Day 9

Today we had our practical for Artisan Breads. As mentioned before we had to make Baguettes and Ciabatta which is what the focus of this section was really on. Chef Isaac divided up the class letting one half start mixing their doughs while the rest of us did one final review for the written exam coming up on Monday. After an hour the other half had finished mixing and were now letting their doughs start the fermentation process while my half of the class started mixing our doughs. The timing for the rest of the day worked out really nicely as each person folded their doughs and let them rest to continue fermentation and then moved on to scaling and shaping the baguettes and cutting the ciabatta and letting them proof before finally putting them all in the oven to bake. Pretty much as soon as one group cleared an oven another group was ready to refill it. All in all there was some really good bread made today and everyone did really well with Chef giving some good critiques. Bread can be fun to make and of course it's great to eat, but do I want to do that everyday??? Doubt it. I don't think there are any "bread people" in our entire class.

Here's a look at my baguettes from the practical.

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