Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Classical Cakes and Tarts - Day 1

Ok so I've been slacking the last couple of days. Monday we had our written final for Artisan Breads and had a demo from a local chef who does bread for a local big production bakery in town and then we spent the entire day on Tuesday going over nutrition and sanitation. So not much to post since I didn't get any pics of the demo which would have only been more ciabatta, focaccia and some small baguettes. I figured I had enough pictures of bread :-)
So today officially kicked off day one of Classical Cakes and Tarts. This is going to be a very busy but fun section and I'll finally get to make my first entremets. I am really looking forward to that! Today was a big prep day for tomorrow as we baked carrot cake, chocolate cake and a vanilla genoise. After baking we wrapped those up and stuck them in the freezer for tomorrow. Then it was on to making pate sucree and pate brisee, which are pastry doughs used for pies and tarts, and  pastry cream. These all went into the fridge for tomorrow.
Thursday looks like it is going to be another busy day as we will be icing and decorating the cakes from today as well as doing what may end up being a California fruit tart and then doing a lot of prep work for Monday. I have a feeling that the 10 days we spend in this section are going to fly by. I should have some pictures to add after tomorrow as I believe we'll be bringing home 4 cakes. Good grief!

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