Thursday, May 6, 2010

Breakfast Pastries - Day 4

It's nice when Thursday is your Friday every week (although I think we could really go 5 days a week from 7:00-5:00 instead of 4 days a week 7:00-2:00 or 2:30). There's just so much to learn and each day goes so fast. Today was day four of breakfast pastries and we celebrated by making croissants. Ahhh nothing better than a nice fresh, crispy, flaky croissant. Holy smokes they were so good. In addition we made zucchini bread and gibassier which is like a panetone with drief fruit but is shaped like a small baguette. The gibassier did not turn out though as we all had to throw them out prior to baking. We had made the starter for that dough yesterday before leaving for the day, but the window for using it is only 8 hours. By the time we used it, it had been more like 17 hours. So the dough did not rise after we shaped them and put them in the proof box. Disappointing. We may try them again next week.
Before we left for the day, we walked next door to check out the other class's wedding cakes that were finished today. Wow. I believe they said those were the first wedding cakes for all of the students in that class. I can't wait to get to that section and do my own wedding cake. If I can make one half as good as the ones I saw in the other class I will be happy indeed.

Here are some of the cakes the other class did today. Can't wait to post mine and my classmates when we get there.


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