Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Week One

Well week one started this past Monday. That was mostly admin stuff and a little intro to some of the equipment in the kitchen. Today we were split into 3 teams. Each team was given recipes for chocolate cake, blueberry muffins and chocolate chip cookies with pecans. For each dish there was one good recipe and two "bad" recipes where there was too much or too little of an ingredient or an ingredient was left out all together. No one in the groups knew which recipe was "good" or "bad". After everything was baked and cooled we lined up each groups cakes, muffins and cookies and everyone tasted each. This allowed us to see and taste the difference between each and how the ingredients or lack there of have an effect on the product.
Wednesday and Thursday will be spent discussing sanitation and nutrition. We may however actually do some starters and make some dough for some small baguettes to get a jump start on our first module (Breads) which begins next Monday. I plan to begin posting pictures each day once next week begins and we put out product everyday. That's when the real fun begins! I'm thinking I better get back to running since I'll be tasting all these goodies everyday and bringing them home.

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